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How Cyber Security is Impacting the Election03 November 2016


Between the probing of voting databases, email hacking, and the candidates’ positions on information technology issues, cyber security is at the forefront of debate this election season. These cyber security concerns are crucial to our future as a nation because a high probability exists that the next President of the United States will face a cyber crisis and have to respond accordingly.


With a lack of comprehensive cyber security requirements in place for electronic voting machines, state polling systems could be vulnerable to cyberattacks this November.  A need to protect our election methods and machines remains as states are calling on the Department of Homeland Security to help. The voting process is determined at a state level, making it increasingly difficult for the systems to be guarded from outside influencers. Furthermore, some states have out-of-date software leaving it easier for hackers to find and exploit holes while others have gone completely paperless, posing an interesting threat if hackers are able to delete voter registrants. The main objective of these cyber criminals is not to determine the next President but rather to delegitimize the outcome by sowing uncertainty and suspicion in the American people through a series of cyberattacks (CBS News).


Although strengthening federal cyber security is a tremendous task, the next President must make it a matter of grave importance or risk suffering from enormous backlash. Fifty-three percent of young adults say that a candidate’s stance on cyber security will influence their vote, as Millennials are said to take the matter more seriously because of their lifelong exposure to technology (FOX Business). Neither candidate has released an extensive plan dedicated to cyber security yet. However, Hilary Clinton has stated she will treat cyberattacks like any other attack while Donald Trump said cyber security will be an “immediate and top priority” if elected.


Cyber security is believed to be one of the biggest matters of contention the next President will face and is unique in the fact that it is ever changing. Not only do cyber security threats have potential national security ramifications, they also have implications that can hinder the states, local governments, businesses, and even individuals. Altogether, cyber security is an issue that affects every single American and must be treated as so.


If cyber security concerns are threatening you or your business, please reach out to us today so we can begin to take the necessary steps to secure your information.

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